It's been an epic two year application process, in which I was initially pooled and rejected from Cambridge, rejected from Imperial and subjected to an administrative error by UCL.
I then came back on the re-application to get all 5 offers from Oxford, Imperial, UCL, Manchester and Bristol.
Having benefited enormously from online discussions, worksheets and explanations, I felt that by documenting my experiences, what I have learnt and what I have come to believe, I might be able to give something back. This is an attempt to answer so many of the questions going through the minds of young applicants.
These pages are mainly aimed at those applying for Physics related courses, since it was in many ways a very close call between maths and physics for me, along with the naturally large overlap between the two subjects, much of my academic content which I have suggested and am willing to share will be highly mathematical in nature and much of the advice may be relevant for Maths applicants.
Much of this website will have Oxbridge specific advice, for a full on why Oxbridge? Click here. The other pages document academic advancements made during my Application and are applicable to all engaged students.
Whilst certain elements of these pages will be highly objective, I wish to make clear that the opinions and commentaries are and are meant to be incredibly subjective. I've purposely tried to stay away from much of the very vague general advice which can be found littered all over the internet and have instead attempted to give a very personal, down to earth and honest view of my own experiences and my own opinions formed during the whole process.
If you however feel that I have gotten something completely wrong or have used misleading terminology, please feel free to contact me/send me hate-mail.
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